Thursday, June 26, 2008

the maestro

keith rowe, issue project room, NYC, 2007 (photo by yuko zama)


jesse said...

Nice photo.
The maestro looks like he's sending an email. There is a funny disconnect visually between the serene Rowe making the sounds, and the amazing scope of sounds heard.
Boy, Jon, given the high impact he has had on my listening values and orientation the past years, I hope I have an opportunity to catch him in performance, and perhaps to meet. Akin to the now lost opportunity to have met Coltrane or Rothko.

Jon Abbey said...

heh, in this one he actually is sending an e-mail, this is from the afternoon before the show.

he's going to probably be back doing some shows in NYC in late October, it looks like now. there was a chance that Toshi would be here then also, but that's not happening now unfortunately.

jesse said...

Hey, what happened to the eai primer I contributed to?
As the apparently sole visitor here, I have to know.
I thought it might serve a purpose should someone float in here on the eai slip stream in the aether.

Jon Abbey said...

it's there, just click 'older posts' at the bottom. my rapidfire blog entries have knocked it off the front page. :)